Seven Books that will make you a better Restorative Yoga Student.

Yogi’s! Are you ready to dive into the world of yoga and the books that inspire and uncover the incredible benefits they offer? Prepare yourself, because we're about to take a fascinating journey through the pages of some mind-expanding reads.

  1. First up, we have "Relax and Renew” by Judith Hanson Lasater. If you're like me and living in this crazy, stress-filled world, this book is your oasis of tranquility. It's all about Restorative Yoga, providing detailed instructions on how to de-stress and relax through gentle poses. Say goodbye to tension and sleepless nights – this book has got your back.

  2. Now, let's awaken our senses with "Divine Beauty" by John O'Donohue. This gem of a book explores the magic of beauty all around us, from nature's wonders to art's enchantment. Prepare to be inspired by O'Donohue's contemplation of the divine in the ordinary. It's like stepping into a world where everything around you sparkles with wonder and possibility.

  3. Get ready to balance those chakras with "Wheels of Life" by Anodea Judith. Okay, I'll admit, I didn't even know how the chakras affected us as much as they do until I read this book. This book takes you on a fascinating journey through your energy centers, and you'll be amazed at how understanding them can transform your life. Plus, it comes with yoga practices to keep those chakras aligned and humming.

  4. Hold on tight for a deep dive into the subtle world of energy with "The Subtle Body" by Cyndi Dale. This is not your average anatomy book, dear ones. Cyndi's work combines ancient wisdom and modern research, taking us on a trip through the fascinating world of energy systems, chakras, and more. It's like discovering the secret code to unlock the hidden potential within yourself.

  5. Who would've thought that Winnie-the-Pooh had so much wisdom to share? "The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff, one of my favorite books, does just that. It's a delightful and light-hearted take on Taoist principles using our favorite childhood characters. Prepare for a dose of simplicity, harmony, and naturalness served with a spoonful of honey. Pooh would approve.

  6. Are you ready to set your soul free? "The Untethered Soul" by Michael A. Singer is your ticket to inner liberation. This book takes you on a profound journey into consciousness and spirituality, showing you how to break free from the shackles of your mind. It's like a spiritual rollercoaster that'll leave you feeling lighter, happier, and more connected to your true self.

  7. Last but not least, let's explore the ethical side of yoga with "The Yamas & Niyamas" by Deborah Adele. These principles are like the guiding stars of yoga philosophy, showing us how to live a virtuous and fulfilling life. Dive into this book, and you'll find practical advice on integrating these principles into your everyday existence, making you a better version of yourself.

So, my fellow yoga explorers, pick up one (or all!) of these books and let the magic of yoga and the beauty and quiet inspirations of life unfold before your eyes. These reads aren't just about gaining knowledge; they're about embracing a whole new way of living and experiencing the world.


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