Come together, right now, over me.

Are you taking good care of yourself?

Are you taking good care of others too? And not just your family, but your friends and community too?

What does it mean to be a part of a community? What does it mean to care for the people in your wider circles?

I have a story to share with you about this. 

A community was so sweetly cultivated on the retreat to Scotland last August. Seeing the participants come together was so wonderful. It was beautiful and organic to come together because we practiced yoga, meditated, broke bread, and saw much Scottish beauty together. But it wasn’t just the people on the retreat, coming from far and wide, that formed our community.

The community was the people we met in Scotland too! Who were they? And what is their story?

Sure, traveling is about seeing all the sites, eating all the food, and taking all the pictures. But what of the people there? Isn’t it also time to connect with the people of the country that one is visiting? This is a big reason why I LOVE to retreat to different countries. I want the spirit of the retreat to be felt wherever we go - not just in the little pod of people who sign up. 

Share the good vibes of the retreat widely, I say!

It started with the kind and accommodating staff at Lendrick Lodge. They invited us into their calming space, fed us lovingly prepared food, sheltered us in comfortable rooms, and shared their healing land with us. It was perfect the moment we stepped foot in there. Smiling faces, enthusiastic conversations, and a little dancing was had. We learned about Emily who traveled 8 hours from London to volunteer there, and Crista who was working on the Lenrick Lodge cookbook of all the food she created there. And Delia who wanted to learn the country swing dance Turtle and I demonstrated. 

And let me tell you about George, our wonderful tour bus driver! With his kilt and Scottish lilt, he was so gracious and knowledgable. He took us to see the “wee coos” (small cows), told us engaging stories as we crossed the moors, joined us arm in arm down the path to the castle, and saved us when we needed to find a last-minute lunch place for our group of twelve. Always quick to laugh and tell us another fascinating story, he was a delight to have along our adventures. 

We got to know him as much as he got to know us.  And when Turtle, my partner, threw his back out and needed to find a chiropractor quickly, George drove him all the way to Glasgow and booked a session with his doctor there. Although Turtle missed a wee bit of the retreat, he took full advantage of being in George’s company and they became fast friends.  And they continue to be friends to this day. 

Community is about reaching out - about showing up when you’re called. And community is there when you need support. 

Recently we learned George is having an important medical procedure next week. It’s a serious fix to a heart condition that could have given him a stroke. Luckily the doctors caught it in time and he will be in the hospital Friday. And the Scotland retreatants know about George too.  The “What’s App Scotland Group” has been very active the last few days, sending words of support, well wishes, and prayers to George. So many messages poured in! And George, in his humble way, received the kindness - to lovingly hold and heal him during this time. 

This, WHY I do retreats. To not only cultivate connection with each other on retreat, but with the people of the land, the culture, and the hearts of all we interact with. THIS is my goal. THIS is my reach. THIS is my heart. 

The magical good vibes will continue, spreading outwards on the next retreat in Itlay this May. Meet the people and the places that will forever be in your heart and the hearts you touch along the way. 

Ranya Anabtawi, Empathic Yoga founder has been teaching the principles and practices of Raja Yoga since 2008. 

Sign up here for a session with her today.


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